martes, 17 de agosto de 2010

Tired of the same

But I'm so alone

I just can't write, everything has became so difficult. Everylittle thing that used to help me now is the reason of making me die, everything is bullshit, always, but sometimes I don't wanna see it.
I still want something to hold me, but i don't find it, and now you can't help me.

3 comentarios:

  1. Hey, it'll be alright I promise. I've felt that way before too, but I think it's a lot about perspective. When you see those things that make you want to end it all, try to see it as something to build you up and remind yourself of the things you love and the things that you have. The people you know, the food you eat, the roof you live under, the grass or whatever plants that grow outside your door - everything is beautiful and you just gotta try! I promise you it's there so dont give up!

    I'll keep ya in my prayers. I really hope you're ok. You are not alone, I know it.

    G'bless ya,
    Erin :)

  2. Me pasa lo mismo. Las cosas se vuelven difíciles y la solución más rápida que encontramos es rendirnos. Pero no es la mejor, obviamente. Siempre hay que seguir adelante porque detrás de una gran tormenta, siempre sale el sol (y por más cliché que parezca JURO que es una gran verdad). Un beso y gracias por pasar :)


Thaks a lot...