jueves, 16 de septiembre de 2010


My mind is far away from here, today I did almost nothing, I had no obligations so I let myself fly.

Flying can be a great activitie while you enjoy it, nut getting back on earth hurts.

Hey you!
Up in the sky
Learning to fly
Tell me how high
Do you think you'll go
Before you start falling

2 comentarios:

  1. paso seguido por aca, pero aveces no te entiendo, es dificil, siento que estas muy arriba o muy abajo, pero esta bueno, espero qu estes mas arriba, saludos

  2. YOU are beautiful; i don't even need to see a picture to know that. <3 thank you for being so kind to me! every time i see your comments they make me smile(:


Thaks a lot...