sábado, 16 de julio de 2011

Just a signal

After all this time far from blogging i come back to give you a signal, because  I'm still alive, I still remember you and i miss you a lot.

I didn`t use to believe on "on-line friends" but now I`ve realized that they can be as much important as the others.

My life has kept running, just as always, maybe a little bit better. Floating among school and work, art and books, rights and duties.
I've been trying to live more the way I like, enjoying every single second, doing what i love and what i feel, and the world has given me an answer.

This is all for now, I hope your lives to be awesome too, I'll never forget you.

viernes, 18 de marzo de 2011

Fenix Felix Feliz?

Despues de tanto tiempo reaparezco, cual ave fenix de sus cenizas.



Veronika me lastima, al mismo tiempo que me consuela,
me asusta, al mismo tiempo que me calma,
me aleja y me acerca, no se si seguirla o abandonarla
